“With an opening beat reminiscent of Radiohead’s Kid A period, classically-inspired piano, and a voice that sounds on the brink of exhaustion, Andrea Mazzariello makes an impression. This may be music that requires a roadmap at times, but the trail is worth traveling.”

— Eduard Banulescu, Alt77

photo by Zoe Prinds-Flash

Andrea Mazzariello’s “Trust Fall” uses percussive piano and slightly distorted,

ringing guitar to drive a fluid piece that makes the best use of negative space on the record. It lopes with

an assured swagger and conjures that feeling of nerves, of not being sure if you’ll be caught, as well as

that’s been captured in music.

— Richard Sanford, The Agit Reader

photo by Zoe Prinds-Flash

photo by Darwin Grosse


Andrea Mazzariello (he/him) is a composer, performer, writer, and teacher. His musical practices include writing songs, making electronic music, and working in notated traditions. His work explores spoken and sung treatments of his own original text, plays with computers and other kinds of electronics, and engages the physiology of performance in novel ways. He writes about listening, musical media, and pedagogy, and teaches and mentors music-makers working in a wide variety of genres and approaches. His music has been performed widely in North America and Europe, and appears on releases by New Amsterdam Records, SEAMUS, Proper Canary, and his own One More Revolution records. The Operating System published his first book, One More Revolution: A Love Song, on Vinyl, in 2018. He teaches composition and music technology at Carleton College, directs the composition program at the Sō Percussion Summer Institute, and mentors and collaborates with young beatmakers, producers, and songwriters in Northfield, MN.

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